.. tatsu documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Mon May 1 18:01:31 2017. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. .. include:: links.rst |TatSu| ======= *At least for the people who send me mail about a new language that they're designing, the general advice is: do it to learn about how to write a compiler. Don't have any expectations that anyone will use it, unless you hook up with some sort of organization in a position to push it hard. It's a lottery, and some can buy a lot of the tickets. There are plenty of beautiful languages (more beautiful than C) that didn't catch on. But someone does win the lottery, and doing a language at least teaches you something.* `Dennis Ritchie`_ (1941-2011) Creator of the C_ programming language and of Unix_ |TatSu| is a tool that takes grammars in a variation of `EBNF`_ as input, and outputs `memoizing`_ (`Packrat`_) `PEG`_ parsers in `Python`_. Why use a PEG_ parser? Because `regular languages`_ (those parsable with Python's ``re`` package) *"cannot count"*. Any language with nested structures or with balancing of demarcatiors requires more than regular expressions to be parsed. |TatSu| can compile a grammar stored in a string into a ``tatsu.grammars.Grammar`` object that can be used to parse any given input, much like the `re`_ module does with regular expressions, or it can generate a Python_ module that implements the parser. |TatSu| supports `left-recursive`_ rules in PEG_ grammars, and it honors *left-associativity* in the resulting parse trees. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 intro rationale install use syntax directives ast semantics models asjson print_translation translation left_recursion mini-tutorial traces grako antlr examples support credits contributors contributing license .. toctree:: :hidden: .. comment out Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`