.. include:: links.rst ANTLR Grammars -------------- .. _grammars: https://github.com/antlr/grammars-v4 ANTLR_ is one of the best known parser genrators, and it has an important collection of grammars_. The ``tatsu.g2e`` module can translate an ANTLR_ grammar to the syntax used by |TatSu|. The resulting grammar won't be immediately usable. It will have to be edited to make it abide to PEG_ semantics, and in general be adapted to the way things are done with |TatSu|. To use ``g2e`` as a module, invoke one of its translation functions. .. code:: python def translate(text=None, filename=None, name=None, encoding='utf-8', trace=False): .. For example: .. code:: python from tatsu import g2e tatsu_grammar = translate(filename='mygrammar.g', name='My') with open('my.ebnf') as f: f.write(tatsu_grammar) .. ``g2e`` can also be used from the command line: .. code:: bash $ python -m tatsu.g2e mygrammar.g > my.ebnf ..