.. include:: links.rst Grammar Directives ------------------ |TatSu| allows *directives* in the grammar that control the behavior of the generated parsers. All directives are of the form ``@@name :: ``. For example: .. code:: @@ignorecase :: True The *directives* supported by |TatSu| are described below. ``@@grammar :: `` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Specifies the name of the grammar, and provides the base name for the classes in parser source-code generation. ``@@comments :: `` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Specifies a regular expression to identify and exclude inline (bracketed) comments before the text is scanned by the parser. For ``(* ... *)`` comments: .. code:: @@comments :: /\(\*((?:.|\n)*?)\*\)/ ``@@eol_comments :: `` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Specifies a regular expression to identify and exclude end-of-line comments before the text is scanned by the parser. For ``# ...`` comments: .. code:: @@eol_comments :: /#([^\n]*?)$/ ``@@ignorecase :: `` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If set to ``True`` makes |TatSu| not consider case when parsing tokens. Defaults to ``False``: .. code:: @@ignorecase :: True ``@@keyword :: {|}+`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Specifies the list of strings or words that the grammar should consider as *"keywords"*. May appear more than once. See the `Reserved Words and Keywords`_ section for an explanation. .. _`Reserved Words and Keywords`: syntax.html#reserved-words-and-keywords ``@@left_recursion :: `` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enables left-recursive rules in the grammar. See the `Left Recursion`_ sections for an explanation. .. _`Left Recursion`: left_recursion.html ``@@namechars :: `` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A list of (non-alfanumeric) characters that should be considered part of names when using the `@@nameguard`_ feature: .. code:: @@namechars :: '-_$' .. _`@@nameguard`: #nameguard-bool ``@@nameguard :: `` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When set to ``True``, avoids matching tokens when the next character in the input sequence is alfarnumeric or a ``@@namechar``. Defaults to ``True``. See the `'text' expression`_ for an explanation. .. code:: @@nameguard :: False .. _`'text' expression`: syntax.html?highlight=nameguard#text-or-text ``@@parseinfo :: `` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When ``True``, the parser will add parse information to every ``AST`` and ``Node`` generated by the parse under a ``parseinfo`` field. The information will include: * ``rule`` the rule name that parsed the node * ``pos`` the initial position for the node in the input * ``endpos`` the final position for the node in the input * ``line`` the initial input line number for the element * ``endline`` the final line number for the element Enabling ``@@parseinfo`` will allow precise reporting over the input source-code while performing semantic actions. ``@@whitespace :: `` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Provides a regular expression for the whitespace to be ignored by the parser. It defaults to ``/(?s)\s+/``: .. code:: @@whitespace :: /[\t ]+/